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20 Ergebnisse.

Collected Memories

Browning, Christopher R
Collected Memories
Christopher R. Browning addresses some of the most heated controversies that have arisen from the use of postwar testimony: Hannah Arendt s uncritical acceptance of Adolf Eichmann s self-portrayal in Jerusalem, the conviction of Ivan Demjanuk (accused of being Treblinka death camp guard "Ivan the Terrible") on the basis of survivor testimony and its subsequent reversal by the Israeli Supreme Court, the debate in Poland sparked by Jan Gross s u...

CHF 46.90

Ganz normale Männer

Browning, Christopher R. / Krause, Jürgen Peter / Bertram, Thomas / Wollermann, Thomas
Ganz normale Männer
Sommer 1942: Ein Bataillon der Hamburger Polizeireserve, etwa 500 Männer, die zu alt zum Dienst in der Wehrmacht waren, werden nach Polen zu einem Sonderauftrag gebracht. Sie sollen die jüdische Bevölkerung in Dörfern aufspüren, die noch arbeitsfähigen Männer aussondern, die übrigen - Alte, Kranke, Frauen und Kinder - auf der Stelle erschießen. Vor ihrem Einsatz macht der Kommandant den Leuten das Angebot, wer sich dieser Aufgabe nicht gewachs...

CHF 21.50

Le origini della soluzione finale. L'evoluzione della pol...

Browning, Christopher R. / Basaglia, E.
Le origini della soluzione finale. L'evoluzione della politica antiebraica del nazismo. Settembre 1939-marzo 1942
Nonostante le discriminazioni, le violenze e l'ossessione antisemita di Hitler, l'eliminazione del popolo ebraico non rientrava nei piani iniziali del regime nazista. Con l'invasione della Polonia avvenne la svolta: il tentativo di ridisegnare la mappa demografica dell'Europa orientale basato sulla "pulizia etnica" e sul "terrore caotico" fu sostituito da un vero e proprio programma di sterminio. La Polonia occupata divenne il laboratorio degl...

CHF 65.00

Uomini comuni. Polizia tedesca e «soluzione finale» in Po...

Browning, Christopher R. / Salvai, L.
Uomini comuni. Polizia tedesca e «soluzione finale» in Polonia
Il 13 luglio 1942, gli uomini del Battaglione 101 della Polizia tedesca entrarono nel villaggio polacco di Józefów. Al tramonto, avevano rastrellato 1800 ebrei: ne selezionarono poche centinaia da deportare, gli altri - donne, vecchi e bambini - li uccisero. Erano operai, impiegati, commercianti, arruolati da poco. Uomini comuni che non erano nazisti né fanatici antisemiti, e ciò nonostante sterminarono 1500 vittime in un solo giorno. Un massa...

CHF 32.50

Ordinary Men

Browning, Christopher R.
Ordinary Men
Ordinary Men is the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as roundups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, de...

CHF 25.90

The Origins of the Final Solution

Browning, Christopher R.
The Origins of the Final Solution
This groundbreaking work is the most detailed, carefully researched, and comprehensive analysis of the evolution of Nazi policy from the persecution and "ethnic cleansing" of Jews in 1939 to the Final Solution of the Holocaust in 1942.

CHF 51.50

Collected Memories: Holocaust History and Postwar Testimony

Browning, Christopher R.
Collected Memories: Holocaust History and Postwar Testimony
Christopher R. Browning addresses some of the most heated controversies surrounding the use of postwar testimony: Hannah Arendt's uncritical acceptance of Eichmann's self-portrayal, the conviction of Ivan Demjanjuk on the basis of survivor testimony and its subsequent reversal by the Israeli Supreme Court, the debate in Poland sparked by Jan Gross's use of both survivor and communist courtroom testimony in his book "Neighbors, and the conflict...

CHF 25.90

Remembering Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp

Browning, Christopher R.
Remembering Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp
In 1972 the Hamburg State Court acquitted Walter Becker, the German chief of police in the Polish city of Starachowice, of war crimes committed against Jews. Thirty years before, Becker had been responsible for liquidating the nearby Jewish ghetto, sending nearly 4, 000 Jews to their deaths at Treblinka and 1, 600 to slave-labor factories. The shocking acquittal, delivered despite the incriminating eyewitness testimony of survivors, drives thi...

CHF 37.90

Every Day Lasts a Year

Browning, Christopher R. / Hollander, Richard S. / Tec, Nechama
Every Day Lasts a Year
Author Richard Hollander was devastated when his parents were killed in an automobile accident in 1986. While rummaging through their attic, he discovered letters from a family he never knew - his father's mother, three sisters, and their husbands and children. The letters, neatly stacked in a briefcase, were written from Krakow, Poland, between 1939 and 1942. They depict day-to-day life under the most extraordinary pain and stress, yet the fa...

CHF 52.90

Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers

Browning, Christopher R.
Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers
Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers focuses on controversial issues in current Holocaust scholarship. How did Nazi Jewish policy evolve during the first years of the war? When did the Nazi regime cross the historic watershed from population expulsion and decimation ('ethnic cleansing') to total and systematic extermination? How did Nazi authorities attempt to reconcile policies of expulsion and extermination with the wartime urge to ex...

CHF 39.50

Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers

Browning, Christopher R. / Christopher R., Browning
Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers
Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers focuses on controversial issues in current Holocaust scholarship. How did Nazi Jewish policy evolve during the first years of the war? When did the Nazi regime cross the historic watershed from population expulsion and decimation ('ethnic cleansing') to total and systematic extermination? How did Nazi authorities attempt to reconcile policies of expulsion and extermination with the wartime urge to ex...

CHF 146.00

Remembering Survival

Browning, Christopher R
Remembering Survival
Employing the rich testimony of almost three hundred survivors of the slave-labor camps of Starachowice, Poland, Christopher R. Browning draws the experiences of the Jewish prisoners, the Nazi authorities, and the neighboring Poles together into a chilling history of a little-known dimension of the Holocaust. Combining harrowing detail and insightful analysis on the Starachowice camps and their role in the Holocaust, Browning's history is indi...

CHF 33.90

Ordinary Men

Browning, Christopher R
Ordinary Men
The first UK publication of a widely admired study of a Nazi extermination squad, subtitled "Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland". Drawing on records and interviews of a large proportion of the unit, a chilling picture emerges of how easily ordinary men can be trained to perform acts of genocide and murder. "Finely focussed and stunningly powerful" "New York Times".

CHF 19.90